Optimising Google Map Places Api’s
Google provide map services for development purposes. Developers can use google map for search places or locations.It provides so many api’s to call and fetch the intended data.
Google offers a Cloud $0 trial and other forms of financial assistance. Google Maps Platform uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. It provides a list of SKU’s for maps, routes and places.
Billing overview for Google Maps
- Usage is tracked for each Product SKU.
- A SKU is the combination of the Product API + the service or function called (for example, Places API — Place Details).
- A product may have multiple SKUs billed at different rates (for example, Places API — Place Details; Places API — Autocomplete — Per Request).
- SKU pricing is tiered, based on volume of use, with three tiers: 0–100,000; 100,001–500,000; 500,001+.
- Cost is calculated by SKU Usage x Price per each use.
Pay-as-you-go pricing
Google Maps Platform uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. We will try to understand the details of the pricing model and how usage charges are calculated for each API and SDK.
You can check here the monthly bill calculator for google pricing.
Google Maps Platform Pricing
The core products are pay as you go and you only pay for the SKUs you use. You can check here the list of SKU’s provided by Google Maps Platform. We will take Places products SKU’s as example to discuss their pricing plans.
Places product SKUs , Detail link
It provides Autocomplete Sessions and Places Data SKU’s. Autocomplete session includes autocomplete requests to retrieve the suggestions on a place as user types. A Places Details call is made when the user has selected one of the Autocomplete suggestions. If a user does not select a suggestion, no Places Details call is made.
After a user has selected a place (ie, a Places Details call is made), you must start a new session using a new session token.
A session token is good for one user session and should not be used for more than one user session. If you reuse a session token, the session is considered invalid and the requests are charged as if no session token was provided.
About Places Data SKU’s
Data requests generate a charge in addition to the cost of the Places request. Data charges are always in tandem with the Places requests.
SKU: Autocomplete — Per Request
The Autocomplete — Per Request SKU is charged for any of these calls or requests that do not include a session token.
Calls made from an invalid Autocomplete session (for example, a session that reuses a session token) are also charged an Autocomplete — Per Request SKU.
This may happen when a user is typing multiple different addresses or copy/pasting different addresses into the widget and not always selects an autocomplete prediction.
Pricing plans per request
Sessions : 0 – 100,000
Price : 0.00283 USD per each (2.83 USD per 1000)
Sessions : 100,001 – 500,000
Price : 0.00227 USD per each (2.27 USD per 1000)
SKU: Autocomplete without Place Details — Per Session
Pricing plans per session
Sessions : 0–100,000
Price : 0.017 USD per each (17.00 USD per 1000)
Sessions : 100,001–500,000
Price : 0.0136 USD per each (13.60 USD per 1000)